You can search our flooring sector by industry, by product or by application which should make it easy and fast to find what you are after.

Resin-based flooring has always been the backbone of Hychems business. We totally understand that there is no one product type that does everything perfectly so for that reason we offer products from a variety of technologies such as:
- Epoxy
- Polyurethane
- PU Cements
- Polyaspartic
- Polyurea
- Cement-based
Finding the best solution to your needs may require using just one product type or a combination which is fine by us.
We believe in most cases we have whatever it takes to provide you with the best options available.
Our experienced local sales & technical people, as well as our team of international suppliers, gives us access to so much experience and brainpower that we believe we provide a real advantage in the market.
If you have a need or a problem chances are we have a solution somewhere in our range of products or amongst our network of suppliers that will work for you.
You can search our flooring sector by industry, by product or by application which should make it easy and fast to find what you are after.