Fast Cure Liquid Technology - Membranes

Product TDS

  • Polyac BDM-M: Polyac BDM-M forms an Elastic Structural waterproofing Membrane for both Horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  • Polyac BDM M +thixogene addiditve: Thixotropic Additive to be added to BDM-M for Verical or Sloping Area
  • Polyac BDM HD: Polyac BDM-HD is designed for professional two-component one to one Spray.

Product TDS

  • Polyac BDM-M: Polyac BDM-M forms an Elastic Structural waterproofing Membrane for both Horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  • Polyac BDM M +thixogene addiditve: Thixotropic Additive to be added to BDM-M for Verical or Sloping Area
  • Polyac BDM HD: Polyac BDM-HD is designed for professional two-component one to one Spray.

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